Friday, August 8, 2014

Make video part of your summer plans

"Summertime is always the best of what might be." - Charles Bowden

Ahhh! Summer is here! And summer makes for great video. Bright outdoor shots. Lots of action and energy. Exotic locations. Yes, summer is the time for "doing stuff"! So make sure you're capturing all your "doings" on video and photos so you and your family can enjoy them for years to come.

Recently we asked some customers, representing all ages and from all parts of the country, "What stuff did you do in your ‘best summer ever'?" Here are some highlights:

Randi, 52, from Indiana: "That's easy. I backpacked through Europe, stayed in hostels and worked if I ran out of money. I was crazy."
Tim, 24, from Texas: "I was a camp counselor. We had no cellular service. We hiked and canoed every day and had campfires every night. I made incredible friendships."

Jenn, 32, from New York: "My best summer was right at home before I left for college. I cherished every day with my friends and family. It was more attitude than adventure."

Jim, 62, from Minnesota: "A few years ago I went to a baseball fantasy camp. I met the stars of my youth and got to hang out and even play a little ball with them."

 Now, what do you think all these people had in common? That's right! Oodles of photos and videos. And what did they do with them? The same thing you need to do as you plan your best summer ever. They called us to keep their memories safe and at hand for a lifetime of enjoyment.
What are you doing this summer?

Are you going on a dream vacation? Here's how we can help. Don't leave your adventures lying about on your cameras and devices. Bring them to life by telling a story with a PhotoVideo Keepsake. Where did you go? What did you eat? How big was that fish? Document it with titles. What were the top music hits? Nothing re-creates the time and place like your favorite music in the background.

Are you staying close to home with your family? Festivals, fireworks, beaches, barbeques and picnics. Your best memories are the simple ones surrounded by those you love. Why not add some flair with a short, edited FamilyTIME video of your summer highlights? You know all the jokes about home movies! It doesn't have to be that way. Let us help you make a snappy and interesting program that people will love!

Is your summer full of sports activities like baseball, tennis, or golf? We specialize in Sports Highlights videos. Let us take your videos and add some pizzazz with special effects, music, titles, narration…whatever you can imagine. Turn your kids' summer of Little League into Field of Dreams. Turn your Annual Charity Golf Tournament into The Masters.

Are your kids going to camp? Sports camp, music camps, church camp, cheer camp, dance camp…and they all have final performances and parent's day. Make sure it's all documented to enjoy for years to come with an Arts and Entertainment video.

Make sure you have precious family memories by preparing now to document the great summer that lies before you. Then call us to help you turn your creative ideas into reality. Call us today! 859-525-0305

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