Monday, August 20, 2012

Sports Highlights Videos - You Shoot - We Edit - You Score!

Our son Eric behind the plate as catcher.

 Remember the famous television introduction: "...the thrill of victory...the agony of defeat...the human drama of athletic competition..."? Thrills. Agonies. Drama. Hmm, this sounds like the stuff great videos are made of!

That's why August is a great time for you to think about your own Sports Highlights Video. Your child's baseball season is winding down. What will you do with all that video you shot? Football season is upon us. Are you getting prepared to capture spectacular catches and ferocious tackles with your camera? Basketball and hockey are just around the corner. Are you ready?

We love to relive our personal "great sports moments." Sinking that birdie on six. Our daughter's sneaking a shot past the goalie. Our son's diving catch on the turf. And with a Sports Highlights Video we can use your photos, film, and video tape to create unique DVD's with action, motion, special effects, and music that bring great sports moments to life once again. Or, if you prefer, we can shoot it for you as well.

Once we have your clips it's all up to your imagination! With advanced editing we can use highlight arrows, isolation techniques, quick cuts, slow motion, stop action, high energy music, narration...the possibilities are limitless. In the end you will have a Sports Highlights presentation that will make you think you're watching SportsCenter!

Our son Gavin in his first year of Football.

Finally we can provide professional packaging with an attractive label and DVD cover, as well as a DVD menu with thumbnail chapters. Your high school and college sports, your kids' sports, bowling leagues, softball games, Little League, CYO and Boys and Girls Club basketball - all edited into a neat DVD that you will enjoy and show again and again.

When it comes to Sports Highlights on DVD, no one does it better. Call us today! You'll be surprised what we can do. Relive your and your loved one's sports memories by the game, by the season or by the career. And don't forget - these make great gifts for parents, grandparents, and other relatives.

Don't miss a play! Call us today!! 859-525-0305.

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