Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Now is the Time to Start Spring Video Projects

Now is the time to begin planning your spring and early summer video projects! May brings Mother’s Day and Graduations, and June is the time of weddings, anniversaries, and Father’s Day. And they are closer than you think. Call us today. You need to get started!
There is nothing more touching than a perfectly crafted video retrospective, but craftsmanship takes time. Remember what your mother always said: A) Do it now; B) Rome wasn’t built in a day; C) What you put into it is what you’ll get out of it; D) All of the above.
It’s important that you get busy because you need time:
  • Time to dream – You can’t muscle creativity like a jackhammer. Ideas are more subtle. The muse may strike while your peeling potatoes or on the treadmill. Give yourself time to live in that space.
  • Time to locate content – All of a sudden you may remember a photo or video clip that would be perfect! There’s one problem. The last time you saw it was at Aunt Bertha’s in Saginaw and she’s on a Caribbean Cruise for two weeks. If you start now you’ll have time to get what you want.
  • Time to assemble, edit and revise – OK. Time for a little secret (in case you didn’t know). There’s a reason they call your first endeavor at a creative enterprise a first draft, a mock-up, or a host of other terms. They all mean the same thing: You had to start somewhere and there will be improvements for the better.
Are you on board? Good! Here are some ideas for these fast approaching days.

Mother's day – You could say this is the Mother of All Tributes. Mom always made us feel special and loved. Now you can do the same! Images, home movies, and video combined with music, titles and whatever else you can imagine into a masterpiece that will last a lifetime. What about narration? What about the voices of people from her past? How elaborate do you want to be? Do you see why we’re telling you get busy?

Graduation - "Birth to Graduation" never fails to please! Imagine combining photos, videos, certificates, first grade projects, Harvard acceptance letters, favorite music through the years....you name it. What better way to say "I am so proud of you"? And remember, long after the ceremony your gift will be enjoyed over and over again.

Anniversaries – Was your wedding in June? It’s a funny thing that your anniversary keeps popping up in June as well. Anniversaries are yet another great occasion for a PhotoVideo Keepsake. How moving would a tribute to your beloved be as your years together are captured through images, video and music?

Father's day - Dad will be just as moved and just as thrilled as Mom will be with a unique PhotoVideo Keepsake.

We love this time of year because we get to help you create a masterpiece for the most precious people in your life on their special day. Call us today!